Žilvinas Baranauskas
Instagram: @zilvinas_baranauskas
The artistic practice of Žilvinas Baranauskas has been marked by a junction of media such as animation, CGI, performance, video art, and mixed-media drawing. The amalgamation of digital and analogue media often coalesces within the framework of spatial installation, allowing the artist to reexamine, observe, and juxtapose various human conditions and their evolving modes of expression through the lens of Western cultural history. Notions such as yearning, nostalgia, memory, and melancholia resurface from the artist’s personal experiences, while maintaining a dialogue with ideas and ideals from the cultural past. Žilvinas Baranauskas is a graduate of The Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (KABK), The Netherlands, and is currently residing and creating in Vilnius, Lithuania.