The Lack of Serenity
Materials: Wooden stands, aluminum loudspeakers "Gr-1", vacuum tube amplifier and record player in a wooden box, a fragment of the recording of the show "Labanakt vaikučiams” (“Good night kids”), which plays the lullaby "Dėdė Miegas” (“Uncle Sleep") created by L. Vilkončius and V. Palčinskaitė, wires
Materials: Wooden stands, aluminum loudspeakers "Gr-1", vacuum tube amplifier and record player in a wooden box, a fragment of the recording of the show "Labanakt vaikučiams” (“Good night kids”), which plays the lullaby "Dėdė Miegas” (“Uncle Sleep") created by L. Vilkončius and V. Palčinskaitė, wires
Price: 2000 – 5000 eur
The state of uncertainty and the observation of brute power form a strange reality that is full of elusive menace. Propaganda messages, designed to reassure the public, are constantly deepening this state.
The lullaby, broadcasted through the Гр-1 loudspeakers that were used for public spaces in Soviet times, came from my childhood. To recreate the authentic sound of those times, I have built a tube amplifier using vacuum tubes and other Soviet-made parts. The feeling from my childhood now takes on a different meaning. Although deceptive peace may help you survive, it also clouds the mind.