Vytauto str. 54 LT-32309 Dusetos, Zarasų r., Lithuania Tel. +370 385 56878; +370 612 33086 Facebook: /dusetukulturoscentras YouTube: @kulturoscentrasdusetudaile8237
Alvydas Stauskas
Zarasų rajono savivaldybė
Stand: 5.03
„ArtVilnius’24“ presented artists:
Žydrūnas Dainys
Ramunė Sladkevičiūtė – Dainienė
All gallery’s presented artists:
Broga Edmundas
Brogienė Danguolė
Dainys Žydrūnas
Gaižauskas Algirdas
Gasparaitis Violeta
Lipeikaitė Eglė
Leipuvienė Rima
Každailis Arvydas
Kriukas Remigijus
Kovaliovas Aurelijus
Kovaliovas Genadijus
Kovaliovas Irmantas
Pučekaitė Brigita
Pučekas Romualdas
Raugas Eugenijus
Ribokaitė Normantė
Saukienė Nomeda
Sladkevičiūtė-Dainienė Ramunė
Stauskas Alvydas
Stulgaitė-Kriukienė Indrė
Visockienė Vilija
Žutautienė Liliana

The mission of the Dusetai Art Gallery of the Culture Center is to initiate and ensure the identity of the Lithuanian national culture, to nurture the cultural distinctiveness of the Dusetai region, to take care of the development of modern culture. To carry out cultural exchanges with foreign countries, to seek to create comfortable conditions for the free expression and development of culture. Bringing together artists and photographers living in the Dusetai region and originating from here, organizing exhibitions in Lithuania and abroad, presenting their work. Cultural center Dusetų Art Gallery organizes photography exhibitions, plein airs, symposia, publishes information publications, art albums. Since 2008, the Dusetai Sculpture Park has been under development.
Dusetai Art Gallery was founded in 1995.

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