TITANIKAS. VDA parodų salės
Vidas Poškus
Vilnius Academy of Arts
Vidas Poškus
Bukauskas Arturas
The VAA Exhibition Halls “Titanikas” develop their exhibition activities in two directions. The key priority is the presentation, dissemination and promotion of the works of the community of the Academy, i. e. students and teachers (both current and former). These exhibition spaces host the defence sessions of students’ diploma works. Moreover, curated exhibitions of the works of graduates and doctoral students in arts and design are organised in these exhibition halls each year. The promotion of the initiatives by young graduate artists who are at the early stages in their career are also part of the policy goals of the “Titanikas” Halls. The gallery also serves an educational mission by holding retrospective historical exhibitions the forms of which refer to the developments in art history, prominent figures in art and renowned classical artists and which target not only academic needs but also those of the general public. This strategic aspect relates to the aspiration to take part in today’s relevant art and design processes. Finally, another task of the “Titanikas” Exhibition Halls is the promotion of international, inter-academic relations and exhibition exchange by providing space to our foreign colleagues – independent artists and colleagues from higher art education institutions with whom we maintain collaborative relationships.