From the Winter series From the Winter series
Institucija: MOCAK. Šiuolaikinio meno muziejus Krokuvoje
Technika: Pencil on paper
Technika: Pencil on paper
Išmatavimai: 150,5x222 cm
The artist organises ephemeral actions and records them, employing a range of media, usually a film or photograph; on this occasion, however, he has employed drawing. The photograph was no more than a starting point; a working record of the moment that was subsequently transferred to paper. Krzysztof Maniak conveys a unique experience of nature through minimalist gestures and interventions. Placing his self-portrait in a natural setting, he questions his own role as the artist in relation to his surroundings. He marks his own presence in the landscape, entering into a relation with it yet trying to remain unnoticed. He appears to be awe-struck by nature.