May 21, 2018 Butō šokio teatro OKARUKAS performansas „Birds“ bus rodomas VDA galerijoje „Krematoriumas,meno krosnys”.

This is the second time when international contemporary art fair ArtVilnius’18 invites to continue along the art routes in the heart of the city until late at night. On Friday, 8 June, even twenty Vilnius galleries will be waiting for visitors during the Night at the Gallery, staying open till 11 p.m.

Taking place on 7–10 June, the international contemporary art fair ArtVilnius’18 launches additional events in Vilnius following the practice of the biggest world fairs. “Many foreign fairs take place during art weeks when there are lots of art events and crowds of foreign guests. That’s why we, too, seek to make the capital a hub for art fans during ArtVilnius’18. Visitors to galleries will have the opportunity to see exhibitions and meet various artists”, says Mrs Diana Stomienė, directress of the art fair.
20 Vilnius-based selected contemporary art galleries participating in the Night at the Gallery this year is a record-breaking number. The event and entry to galleries are for free. Vartai gallery presents “Moi non-moi” featuring the works by three most renowned representatives of contemporary art – Louise Bourgeois, Maria Lassnig and Maria Helena Vieira da Silva. The Rooster Gallery invites to Auksė Miliukaitė’s exhibition at Pakrantė Centre for Creative Industries. Meno Niša showcases a solo project by visual artist Rimas Sakalauskas. This artist is the winner of the Best ArtVilnius’18 Young Artist award. VAA galleries invite to see works of academy’s students: Kairė-Dešinė gallery presents a project by Vaiva Kovietaitė-Trumpė and Dainius Trumpis, and graphic artist Greta Liekytė; VAA exhibitions halls Titanikas presents a collection by Skirmantė Jaryginaitė, student from the Department of Costume Design, and textile gallery Artifex showcases the work of MA student Žymantė Poškutė.
Contour Art Gallery invites to Rūta Vadlugaitė’s exhibition “Interlude”, while Kristina Norvilaitė’s gallery invites to a concert exhibition with Kristina Norvilaitė telling stories of the creation of 25 paintings and Laura Geniušaitė performing songs. AV17 gallery presents an exhibition by Marija Šnipaitė, Retreat.
Among other participants in the Night at the Gallery are Pamėnkalnio Galerija, Terra Recognita, Aidas, Arka, Grafo, VAA gallery Krematoriumas / meno krosnys, Aidas gallery, Vilnius Children and Youth Art Gallery, Sodų 4, Evaldas Jansas’ studio Tsekh, Vilnius Photographic Gallery, Vilnius Children and Youth Gallery.
As part of ArtVilnius’18, the Night at the Gallery is a unique opportunity to visit so many Vilnius-based galleries in one night. See the full programme of the Night at the Gallery on the website.