Riharda Vagnera street 3 LV1050 Riga, Latvija Tel. +37128873253 Facebook: /pilotLMA Instagram: @pilot_lma
Direktorius (-ė):
Sabine Vernere
Savininkas (-ė):
Art Academy of Latvia
Kuratorius (-ė):
Anastasija Bikova
„ArtVilnius’23“ pristatomi menininkai:
Julija Silova
Madara Kvepa
Anastasija Bikova
Visi galerijos pristatomi menininkai:
Madara Kvepa
Anastasija Bikova
Julija Silova

Art Academy of Latvia – PILOT Experimental art space that exhibits a mix of Latvian and international artists. We wish to create strong relations between young artists, institutions and other galleries. Together we aim to create collaborations with the focus on shared opportunities and networks. PILOT was founded in 2020 in collaboration with EU4ART. Exhibition space is located in Old Riga – Riharda Vāgnera street 3.