Didžioji Vandens str. 2 91246 Klaipėda, Lithuania Tel. +37068732886 Facebook: /BarotiGalerija Instagram:
Andželika Baroti
Klaipėdos apskrities dailininkų sąjunga
Andželika Baroti
Stand: 5.33
„ArtVilnius’23“ presented artists:
Benas Šarka
All gallery’s presented artists:
Benas Šarka

Equilibristically maneuvering between modern classics and modern (not necessarily post-modern) art searches, BAROTI gallery presents authors with a characteristic character and authentic creative thinking. The latter, regardless of their country of origin, the art genre being developed, the fame, i.e. despite the differences, they are basically very similar: in their ideological load, associative language, attention to technique, professionalism, harmony of content and form.
Gallery is a place where an artist becomes “visible”, known and (let’s not hide it) wanted. The most interesting thing is that all this is happening in Klaipėda, a city that does not have a rich dynamic of the art market. On the one hand, we can treat this as an advantage – an open space for realizing ideas, but on the other hand, in the absence of a competitive environment, the ability to “keep the bar” turns into a challenge.
Being an artist of the BAROTI gallery or at least exhibiting your work in this gallery has become a matter of prestige during its thirty years of existence. Today it is a brand, a label that testifies to quality, high standards, and strong positions.

Art critic Goda Giedraitytė

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